PostgreSQL is a feature-rich object-relational database management system, which is famous for being among the most secure and dependable systems on the market. It is cross-platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD) and cross-language (PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, Python), which makes it universal and lots of organizations and firms are already employing it for their products or their own Internet sites - a few examples are Apple, the US Department of Labor, and Skype. The system is open-source and exceptionally customizable, not mentioning that it's more advanced than other administration systems when it comes to handling complicated operations. Moreover, the fact that a single table may be up to 32 Gigabytes in size, while the database size is unlimited, makes PostgreSQL an excellent option for scalable applications.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Shared Hosting

All our Linux shared hosting include PostgreSQL support, so you will be able to work with virtually any script app which needs such a database. With the lower-end plans, setting up a PostgreSQL database is an optional upgrade, while with the higher-end ones, a specific number is provided by default, varying from five to unlimited. Regardless of the package that you choose during the signup procedure, you shall always be able to increase the number of PostgreSQL databases you can have via the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel, provided with every account. Besides working with a script interface, you shall be able to control any database in the account via the highly effective phpPgAdmin tool too. The latter could be accessed through the PostgreSQL section of the CP.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you choose to host your web sites inside a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you will be able to employ any script application that requires PostgreSQL databases due to the fact that all of our packages support this database system. Using the Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel, which is the management tool for every single semi-dedicated account, you shall be able to create a new PostgreSQL database with just two mouse clicks. Because the number of databases varies according to the plan that you select during the signup process, you'll be able to upgrade this feature easily through the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. You will also be able to access the highly effective phpPgAdmin tool to handle the content of any PostgreSQL database which you set up in your account via an intuitive web interface.